Health-economic evaluations of prevention policies in Flanders.
Public health policy makers are increasingly confronted with rising healthcare costs, constrained budgets and shrinking funds. By comparing expected health gains and implementation costs, economic evaluations help to explicate which potential investments could be made to optimize the health and wellbeing of the population within the available budget.
The ‘Health-economic EvaLuations of Prevention Policies in Flanders’ - project focuses on the cost-effectiveness of different preventive strategies in the Flanders community and region of Belgium. The four-year research project is funded by the department for Health of the Flemish Government (Departement Zorg) and carried out at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in collaboration with the Universiteit Gent and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Currently, Max Lelie is performing health economic evaluations of national cancer screening programs (Colon cancer, Breast cancer, and Cervical cancer). Bo Vandenbulcke is focusing on the cost-effectiveness of air pollution mitigating strategies in Flanders together with Nick Verhaeghe who is focusing on noise pollution.
Contact persons of the project: Max Lelie & Bo Vandenbulcke